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Firm Focus Weekly Time Tracker


Filling out this Firm Focus Weekly Tracking sheet for a week will bring the awareness in the moment that you are about to engage in a behavior that is unhealthy, unnecessary, and leaking time.  It will also provide you with information for you to review and audit what you spend your time on and determine if it aligns with your goals, values, and priorities.  In other words, it will help you change and capture leaked time.  I am not going to lie; it takes a lot of discipline to fill this thing out for a week.  You will fight the urge to do it.  But it is a very valuable exercise to bring Awareness and Change.

Sample Attorney CLE Compliance Tracker


Most states require attorneys to participate in continuing education. While many attorneys are good about spreading the courses throughout the three-year reporting period, most are not so great about tracking it until it is time to report.

That changes today.

This tracker is designed to help you input your CLE on a regular basis making the reporting easy peasy. Enjoy and feel free to share with your colleagues.

Note: This tracker can also be used for CPAs or anyone else who has continuing education requirements.

How to Select the Best Day Planner!


For those that don’t love a digital calendar (or sometimes even in addition to one), a Day Planner is a wonderful tool.  However, there are some things to consider to ensure that the Day Planner you are using fits your needs.  This download has the best practices for selecting a Day Planner as well as the healthy habits to using it properly. 

Sample Client Relationship Tracker


Keep track of those important relationships with this Sample Tracker Google Spreadsheet.

Productivity Apps Comparison Chart


All of the productivity apps on the market can really create a Pain in My App!  Too often we get a referral for a productivity app we should be using (Trello, Asana, Evernote, Todoist, Airtable), download the app, and end up abandoning it because it is overwhelming or does not have the functionality we need for our precious tasks and projects.  It would be absurd to purchase a new vehicle without first identifying what needs are important for our livelihood.  Choosing a productivity app to store your ideas, thoughts, strategies, tasks, and projects is no different.   


The Firm Focus Productivity Apps Comparison Chart provides the user with the preliminary questions to consider before investing time and money into a productivity app.  Download the chart today and feel free to reach out to Sarah at Firm Focus if you have further questions about any of these apps or on how to best identify your learning style. 

Microsoft Planner – Daily Habits and Demo


One of my favorite apps for Microsoft Office users is the Microsoft Planner app.  This is a great tool for managing projects and tasks.  Like many project management software on the market, it can be overwhelming if you are not using it in a healthy way.  This is one of the areas that we focus on through coaching at Firm Focus.  This PDF provides a demo overview of Microsoft Planner and includes the daily habit you may want to incorporate to ensure you are using the tool effectively.  Have a great and focused day!

Premium Resources:
Download the bundle with worksheets and exercises and receive our Productivity Tips via email.

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Learn to Do More, By Doing Less - Effective Delegation Tools


Download this free ZIP file containing the following resources to help you Learn to Do More, by Doing Less!

90 Days Before Trial Checklist (with Supporting Examples)


Whether your law firm has a trial almost every month, or you are heading into a trial for the first time in years, it is always most efficient to have a trial checklist.  What should you be focusing on 90-days out from trial or longer?  60-days before trial?  The week of trial?  Download your free Trial Preparation – Quick Reference Checklist, Detailed Checklist, and supporting Examples.  Start using the Microsoft Word® version documents today to customize for your upcoming trial.  You’ll be automatically signed up to receive productivity tips from Firm Focus.

Stop Welcoming the Distractions Templates


Download this free ZIP file containing the following resources to help you stop welcoming distractions in your day.


The Unavoidable Meeting

A Checklist to Ensure Efficient and Truly Necessary Meetings


Interruptions and Distractions Log

Mitigate Interruptions and Distractions by Identifying Your Biggest Culprits with this easy-to-use tracker


Response Time Worksheet

A way to track your response time with your most important collaborators.


My Distractions and Interruptions

A worksheet to help identify distractions and come up with a plan.

Affiliate Resources:
We can achieve more by partnering with others.  Take a look at some of our proud Affiliate Partners.


Loom saves me so much time every day.  Creating an instructional video on Loom ensures that the viewer is able to accurately follow your request.  They are able to visually see what steps you took and how to execute your needs.  I use Loom to instruct my assistant, ask for changes to my website, show clients how to do something, and more.  I highly recommend purchasing the Loom Business plan.


This simple productivity tool helps me manage my time effectively in 3 simple ways:

1. It keeps me on track when I am in a session.

2. It reminds me when…(read more)

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DLC Consulting Services, LLC

Diane Camacho, CLM​

  • Law Firm Assessments

  • Solo & Small Law Firm Start-Ups

  • Legal Management Consulting & Fractional Administrator

  • Law Firm Financial Services

  • Law Firm Human Resources

  • Law Firm Software and Operations

  • Ever wonder how to get more done in less time?  Delegation and automation is one way.  Meet Dubsado, the CRM that helps Sarah and Firm Focus get so much more done.  Why reinvent the wheel each time.  Dubsado is a cost-effective, easy-to-use, client relationship management system.

  • My friend and colleague, Lori Vande Krol, created the ProAction Planner.  I am thrilled to be featured in the 2024 Day Planner with my Expert Tip!  Lori is gracious enough to extend a 10% discount to the Firm Focus family.  Use the below link to purchase your ProAction Planner with a 10% discount: FIRMFOCUS10.  

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Let's Work Together

Are you curious about how to become more focused?  


We warmly welcome you to reach out to us at Firm Focus and explore our offerings to find the best fit for your needs.

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